Registering my merc in France

Mr Hulot

New Member
Sep 5, 2005
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London or Mirambeau, Charente Maritime
I would be grateful for help. I have bought a LHD J reg 260E, which I want to keep and use in France. - A beautiful elderly car that has the all important air conditioning.

To get French insurance it needs to be reregistered in France, (in fact it was first bought and registered in Monaco but brought to the UK and registered here).

To reregister in France it needs an 'attestation de conformite' (certificate of conformity - from Mercedes, writen in French.

Who do I approach?


Senior Member
Jul 15, 2005
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Back in the mid 90s when my family lived in France and bought a RHD w210 direct from the Stuggart factory, they were the one who provided us with the paper work in order to see through the vehicle's first registration in France. You may consider contacting the MB HQ. Less complicated way may require your tactful diplomacy of apporaching a French MB dealer and ask for their help. Leave them with your business card, tell them that in the near future you may wish to get a new merc or have your current car serviced at their place, and perhaps that should close your case.

However just thinking about it, my family also had a UK registered car whilst in France. The insurance for this car was bought in France. Could it be that something has changed since or is it merely a matter of individual practice at different insurance companies? Check with them. I remember our insurance provider was 'General Accident'.

Old Bentigger

Jul 13, 2005
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We have been through all this, with an English (RHD) 2 cv which we used as a run around at our house in France (inland from you - Touraine) . In theory you should be able to run the car on your UK insurance ( with both countries supposed to be EC members and all that ) . In practice it is easier and better to go the whole hog and re- register in France. For that you need as you say the certificat de conformite and any necessary modifications to pass the CT (but with your car there may be none). By far the easiest thing is as Kit says to cosy up to your nearest dealer , who will be helpful idc with ordering parts; which failing MB Head Office in Paris would certainly do the necessary , or Stuttgart Classic Car Centre would arrange it .

In the reverse situation I got the head office of Ford UK to do it - at a cost of £15 in 2000. Common Market - what common market?

Bonne chance

Old bentigger, aka Robin

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