Technically they can. But the whole lamp has to be put in an oven to heat soak at 120 C for an hour, to melt the glue holding the lens on. And then you’ll need to source both new glue and a new lens, and neither are service items…Can they be replaced?
They cannot on my W210.
when I had my Omega, everyone said the same re the oven etc to get to the inner guts. I just gently sliced through the mastic/glue with a Stanley knife to remove the lens. There was enough stickyness left in the glue that when I put it back together, the clips around the headlight pulled the lens back into position.Technically they can. But the whole lamp has to be put in an oven to heat soak at 120 C for an hour, to melt the glue holding the lens on. And then you’ll need to source both new glue and a new lens, and neither are service items…