Hi there, I hope someone can help me solve what I'm sure is a very simple yet very annoying problem.
A month ago I bought a 2000 CLK 230K auto Coupe and I'm very pleased with it. 4 days ago I noticed a very faint ringing noise that occured infrequently. Now it has turned into a louder whining ringing noise that appears to be coming from the passenger side, underneith the glove box.
The noise occures on and off whilst the engine is running either in gear or whilst parked and whilst driving. The nose can not be heard from the engine!! it is heard whilst inside the cabin.
Someone please help. It's driving me mad.
Many thanks.
A month ago I bought a 2000 CLK 230K auto Coupe and I'm very pleased with it. 4 days ago I noticed a very faint ringing noise that occured infrequently. Now it has turned into a louder whining ringing noise that appears to be coming from the passenger side, underneith the glove box.
The noise occures on and off whilst the engine is running either in gear or whilst parked and whilst driving. The nose can not be heard from the engine!! it is heard whilst inside the cabin.
Someone please help. It's driving me mad.
Many thanks.