Have we done a road rage thread?
I was wondering why people suffer this phenomenom. I am a bit laid back so I dont really get out of shape with others while driving. But I notice a fair number getting out of shape with me.
Do you suffer it?
Do you keep on banging on about the incident to everyone?
if you recognise it, what do you do to calm yourself?
what do you feel when someone gets out of shape over your perfect driving they feel they need to critise?
Don't you think it better to vent on here than on the road?
I know I posted this but lets see if we can get some sensible answers please?
I was wondering why people suffer this phenomenom. I am a bit laid back so I dont really get out of shape with others while driving. But I notice a fair number getting out of shape with me.
Do you suffer it?
Do you keep on banging on about the incident to everyone?
if you recognise it, what do you do to calm yourself?
what do you feel when someone gets out of shape over your perfect driving they feel they need to critise?
Don't you think it better to vent on here than on the road?
I know I posted this but lets see if we can get some sensible answers please?