I just had it scanned on Autel scanner, here are the findings/ fault codes below.
Car unlocks ignition in key position 1, key position dash lights come on, key position 3 to crank car there is nothing. Also get ESP and ABS 'No display' on dash warnings.
I have found if I take out the ESP 5A fuse, car will crank but cannot put it in gear. Put the fuse back in and it behaves as above and will not start.
Swapped out ESP module, still the same. Had EIS swap/recode but has had no effect unfortunately. Any ideas? I am at a loss and stumped! I have unplugged every connector it seems, had the passenger footwell wiring exposed/ CAN connectors, cleaned the connectors, inspected wiring, checked relays/ fuses.... all to no avail!
No idea what it all means, if anyone could help or has any ideas.