Self-levelling suspension system help

'89 250TD

Senior Member
Jun 6, 2005
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Your Mercedes
1989 250TD
Hi, I need to change the flexible pipe that runs from the self-levelling suspension reservoir to the pump. There's a leak from around the bottom of the reservoir & I've been told that it's probably this pipe that needs replacing.
The leak only seems to happen when I've topped up the suspension fluid to the MAX mark on the dipstick & then it stops once the level has dropped to slightly below the MIN mark

I need some info on this job:
Will the suspension fluid in the pipe be under pressure?
How do I get air out of the system once the new pipe is fitted?
How much suspension oil does the system hold?

Regards, Mark

Andy Cottrell

Senior Member
Jun 5, 2001
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Your Mercedes
E300D 1994 Diesel
Hi Mark,

No. Its not under pressure provided the pump is not running ( ie you have the engine off).

The bleed point is on the top of the "self levelling valve" ( don't know if that is what it is really called) which is to the left of the diff as you are lying under the car with your feet out under the rear bumper.

When I replaced the pipe on my "self levelling valve" I used 2 x 1 litre ( or thereabouts) of LHM fluid. You may get away with less as you are only replacing the pipe to the pump.

If you conduct this change you should load the rear of the vehicle with a weight in excess of 80 kgs( i think) and start the engine. The causes the self levelling function to work and fluid to be pumped around the system.

Hope this helps

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