Shipping interior from Callington, Cornwall > Reading.


Senior Member
Jun 26, 2004
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I have just bought a black leather 190E interior from a man in Callington, Cornwall. He wasn't kidding when he said "the interior" - I have the seats, the door cards, the carpets, the dash, the steering wheel, the seatbelts, all the plastic bits around the pillars, the centre console & just about anything else you can think of. I have everything to change the interior of a 190E into black.

Now the problem is getting all of this stuff to the Reading/Maidenhead area.

Does anybody have any ideas?


Senior Member
Apr 25, 2003
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I'd hire/borrow a van for the day.

You could get a courier to bring it over, but if you collect in person, you at least know you won't leave any bits behind.

Fair old journey though....

I did the same once, bought an entire w126 interior from a guy in Manchester. Hired a small van for £30, drove all the way up from Heathrow, collected all the bits, making sure none were left behind and drove back. Some of the smal plastic bits can cost alot from the dealership.



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Jun 26, 2004
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The end of the story.

I decided to hire a van & do the trip my self.

Did the trip Thursday. It is a loooong drive - 478 miles round trip. It's been ages since I've driven a Transit & they've improved. It's more like a big car now, comfortable, great visibility, 85 cruising speed - not bad at all.

What a deal I got from the salvage yard!

They told me the leather interior was in perfect condition but I found a quite deep 1 inch scratch on the passenger seat where the backrest meets the bit your bum sits on. I snivelled pretty long & hard, told them I could buy buggered up interiors all day long a lot closer to home & the whole reason I'd come to them was because this was described as "perfect".

The owner held his hand up, apologised, said he hadn't noticed it & said he'd give me my money back right then & there. I said fair enough, but I'd rented a van, taken a day to drive 400+ miles etc etc. To his credit he said I had driven a long way & if I took the interior at the agreed price of Ј150 I could have whatever other bits I needed from the donor car, which turned out to be a 2.6.

I have three 190Es at the mo - a 2.5-16, a 2.6 & a 2.0. It just so happens I did need a few bits to make everything work on all three.

So, I took two complete rear doors with glass & electric window motors, an electric ariel, a complete 2.6 MB exhaust (still shiny & about 3 mths old I'd guess), an alternator & just in case I ever need one, an ABS system. He also threw in 2 Ford Fiesta wing mirrors.

It was a pain in the arse but I'm pleased with the result. If I'd had it shipped I'd now be peeed off that my perfect interior wasn't perfect, the salvage yard would say the shipper did it, the shipper would say it was like that when they got it & I wouldn't have negotiated all the other stuff into the deal.

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