Yes, as the car will detect the chip which located inside the Mercedes bady seat, that seat cost £180, in my S reg, E-class, it definately work with mind, the 'ABS off' light near the gear shift with light up, but not sure whether it will work in a P reg car.
More than likely not to be honnest. The first cars i have seen this function in were the A classes which did not appear till '98. If your car has this it will have a small plaque with a yellow LED on it clearly marked airbag off .This warning light is going to be around the gear shift area around where the electric window switches are. As said before , this is quite an important thing and its advisable that you contact your dealer to have this confirmed. This should be an easy task for them
If you look next to the button that releases the sunglass glovebox, with the key to lock it, there is a small square button (which looks all black), it lights up "airbag off" when ignition is in posn 2 but not started if you have the safeseat stuff
Check with your dealer to see if your car has child seat recognition it probably doesn't due to the age of the vehicle. If it does have this function buy an MB child seat two hundred quid is cheap when lives are in danger. If this function is not on your car the air bag can be dissconnected and a resisitor put in its place to fool the control unit, but any normal passenger would not be protected. These resistors are avialable via MB parts but due to recent litigation it is unlikley you will get a dealer to fit one .
I received advice a couple of months ago on this site that only MY98 cars onwards have baby seat auto recognition systems (using an MB seat contaning a transponder).
As such I was planning to have the airbag de-activated by an independent dealer (my car is 1997 P).
However, I have just called my MB dealer, and MB UK in Milton Keynes. Both have told me that if my car has a passenger airbag, regardless of its age / model year, the MB car seat will automatically turn off the airbag.
Can anybody verify this ? At the moment I don't know who to believe - MB UK or the real experts (no sarcasm intended - I would trust you lot ahead of most dealers) on this site !!!!
an early car will not recognize a child seat it doesn't have the system to do so , call into your dealer and ask them to demonstrate with the star dissable pad, this is alarge orange pad which is placed on the passenger seat to dissable the air bag, there must be a light which indicates air bag dissabled if there is no light it is not dissabled.
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