I got my car on 23/03/02, since then I have had the left rear wheel speed sensor replaced 4 times, this is due to water getting into the sensor and shorting it. Has anyone else had these problems?
Also the performance of the car is unreliable, sometime I experience lag when accelerating before the engine really kicks in - I didn't think you experienced this with a supercharger. Other times, the engine revs increase without power being transferred to the wheels - then it drops a gear and wham you hit 6000rpm and the fuel cuts out.
At other times I have experienced what I believe to be the gearbox being stuck in 5th and the engine surging when in a low gear. Has anyone else had these problems
Also the performance of the car is unreliable, sometime I experience lag when accelerating before the engine really kicks in - I didn't think you experienced this with a supercharger. Other times, the engine revs increase without power being transferred to the wheels - then it drops a gear and wham you hit 6000rpm and the fuel cuts out.
At other times I have experienced what I believe to be the gearbox being stuck in 5th and the engine surging when in a low gear. Has anyone else had these problems