slk sticks in neutral when braking


New Member
Mar 16, 2005
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I have a 97 230slk. Recently I have found that if I brake reasonably hard (not excessively) the gearbox sticks in neutral. I then have to stop put the car in reverse then back to drive before it will go. I also find that the gearbox is erratic. I never know if I am going to speed away from the lights or lurch!!
I was told it may just be that the levels need topping up?

How do I do this? What should I use?



New Member
Jul 13, 2006
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RE stuck in neutral

I have a similar problem - this is a message i recently posted.

I have a 1997 SLK 230 with an automatic box that is giving me problems and i wondered if anyone else has experienced the same. Without any warning whilst driving the gearbox seems to get stuck in a low gear ( i think 2nd) then i have to pull over and stop. The car then wont pull away in drive but just revs even though it is in drive mode. The only way i can resolve it is to switch the engine off and the back on and it's fine until the next time. This is very frustrating and none seems to know why it is happening , even MB. I thought it may be something to do with the ATF as I know I have a small leak. Should I replace the ATF or fill it up. Any contributions would be really welcome. Thanks


Always remembered RIP
Mar 14, 2005
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Your Mercedes
2002 SL500, 216 CL500, all fully loaded
These are very hard faults to find, from all of my readings of faults of this nature, including the ones on here, they all involve the 772.6 gearbox. from the MB data and cures here, the first thing to do would be to clean the multi plug that connects the gearbox to the car body, its a matter of disconnecting the plug, cleaning the contacts and re fitting, one end is on the box,the other near the footwell under center console.
It is a labour only job, but without knowing that they are perfect, I do not see how you can search further.


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