slk230 remote locks

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New Registration
Apr 29, 2004
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recently had body work done on trunk lid of my slk. Body shop says they took off the trunk lid to repair it.
When I got it back the remote locks do not work also fuse 23 was blown.
I replaced the fuse, still no remote locking.
I must manually lock & ulock car
I replaced battery in remote to no avail
All of electrical system works including alarm but not from the remote
any suggestions ?

joe bloggs

Senior Member
Jan 22, 2003
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Try resetting..., sit in car, zap remote at interior mirror direction, put ignition fully on (don't start car), take key out & try system.repeat a few times if not working.

The c/lock pump is on the o/side of spare wheel in a foam holder, they are prone to damage from water leaks in that area, is the foam damp?

Take it back to bodyshop, tell them it will have to go to a dealer for star diagnosis.
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