So Many Questions!!! 1999 C200 wont idle or keep running!

English Teacher

Active Member
Jun 16, 2008
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Hi Everyone :D

I wonder if anyone can please answer some of these questions, thank you.

For more background to my problem you could read my posting titled 'engine stops after returning to idle from smooth start' in this forum

They all relate to a 2 litre 1999 C200.

Does the ECU have any internal fuses? If so, could the engine still start until return to idle, if the fuse was blown?

Does a 1999 C200 have power surge protection for the ECU, similar to the fuse on the fuel relay of a 1996 model?

Is there any way for the home mechanic to reset all ECU fault codes, without specialist equipment?

Should I have an engine management light on when the ignition key is put to position 3? I have all the other instrument lights on but not this one. I have no engine management light on when engine is running either.

How can I test if my fuel pump is delivering sufficient quantity/pressure of fuel at the rail during engine running?

What purpose does the large capacitor in the passenger front footwell serve ( It connects between terminal 30 feed and earth)?

Can the 02 sensor, charcoal cannister or the catalytic converter cause the engine to stop, immediately after starting up?

Is it better to disconnect the battery when removing sensors, so as to avoid causing fault codes in the ECU? Or is having the ignition key out sufficient?

Can the resistances of the MAF unit, camshaft sensor and Lambda sensor be tested, if so what are healthy values?

What is the white electronic box with a yellow connector, which is in the left side of the spare wheel well, between the wheel and jack?

Many thanks
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