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May 18, 2003
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As I supply softtops I am interested to hear peoples concerns and opinions related to the supply and sale of softtops :?:

The good feedback comes when you speak to people again which does not always happen, bad feedback is always what people remember. :roll:

I am keen to learn from other members experiences so I dont make the same mistakes as others, I hope to be able to sell a softtop and be there when a new one is next required. :lol:

I understand concerns can cover various issues, from the way the initial enquiry is handled, to the way it wears 5-10 years later. There must be issues on the quality of fabrics, there are so many options from PVC to Sonnenland, and what might have looked good when it was fitted may not be so good years down the line. :(

Also if there are any issues regarding fitters, or if you would like to recommend a fitter local to you. :)

There are so many issues to consider that can create problems, often it is not a problem with the roof but a problem with the car, particularly the older cars, that owners need to be aware of. The 1950s SL for example is not finished in the factory as the fitter has to allow for the shape of the hood frame. :?

There are so many different fabrics that it is unrealistic for a customer to fully understand, there is still this historic opinion regarding Mohair, but if you discuss the superior qualities of Sonnenland or A5 or less so US Acrylic then you have to take someones word. :oops:

If you raise your concerns hear maybe the members can answer your questions and help me answer other peoples in the future :wink:

Thanks for your help :roll:
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