Sprinter rust!!!!


Active Member
Mar 20, 2008
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I have a 1998 310d sprinter that appears to be showing signs of rust in ever-increasing increments. I use it for business and I am now thinking it may be puting prospective clients off due to this. Would it be possible to get the van painted/rust treated in order to stop this or am I fighting a losing battle? I had thought of buying a newer model but these seem almost as bad.Overall I love driving it, it is just the outward appearance that is off-putting and because I run it on veggie oil (2 tank system) it costs me little by way of go-juice. If I was to do some of the work myslef could someone recommend me a treatment product that can be used prior to me masking it with a vehicle wrap/ advert of some description.

Rgds Kevin


Nov 23, 2008
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Hi there regards to the rust problem it all depends on how bad it is. If its surface rust ie not right through grind it off back to shiny metal apply rust kill and leave for a couple of hours depending on temp if its cold leave longer. level out with filler. sand untill really smooth apply primer, probly need to apply more filler and primer depending on the finish you want and once you are happy with the prep apply 2 to 3 finish coats Time consuming but worth it specially if you are using it for business.If you have holes in body fill with ready mix fibre glass first as its easy to use, you can get all the materials from a car parts/accessories shop Trial and error with this if you have not done before.Good Luck

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