Car managed all of 630miles since being built and the srs warning light came on with message to have service centre inspect it. They did and reset it. Only fault the diagnostics came up with was a 11.5 voltage reading which they assumed caused the malfuction. they asked me to monitor it hoping it wasnt anything worse. managed all of 50miles in it and same thing occurs. going back at 8am to see if they can solve it.
Anybody had same problems?
As I am really boring I will post the results of the next installment when I know what the problem is.
MBof Bradford did let me out in an SL55AMG to cheer me up. scared me stupid as it happens. I must be getting old.
Car managed all of 630miles since being built and the srs warning light came on with message to have service centre inspect it. They did and reset it. Only fault the diagnostics came up with was a 11.5 voltage reading which they assumed caused the malfuction. they asked me to monitor it hoping it wasnt anything worse. managed all of 50miles in it and same thing occurs. going back at 8am to see if they can solve it.
Anybody had same problems?
As I am really boring I will post the results of the next installment when I know what the problem is.
MBof Bradford did let me out in an SL55AMG to cheer me up. scared me stupid as it happens. I must be getting old.