i have a 300 turbo diesel merc.1997,73,000 miles on the clock.when the car is cold.the car drives perfect.when warm.the steering becomes stiff.i have just had a reconditioned pump put on.cheers colin
When you got your pump fitted by any chance did you get the steering box adjusted?
It could be it was adjusted too much and when the steering box heats up it?s causing it to be stiff. Just a thought.
I presume that you mean the steering is stiff from lock to lock and not just around the middle (which would be an overtightened play-adjusting screw) and that the pump was replaced subsequent to the problem?
When the the oil warms up, it thins and so it could be that you have some leaking hydraulic valves (or seals) in either the pump or the steering box, but most likely in the steering box, if you have already replaced the pump. However, it would be good just to check and confirm your pump pressure (some kit required here). If the pump pressure is OK, then the steering box will require investigation. There are two control valves in the steering box which should open and close when torque is applied to the steering shaft to turn the wheels left or right. When no torque is applied (eg driving straight), both valves are open and allow the oil to circulate under no pressure. Maybe these valves are faulty and/or leaking (not closing properly), resulting in reduced steering pressure when the wheel is being turned.
You can check by turning the wheel full lock (left and then right) and when it gets to the end hold it and you should hear the engine strain (due hydraulic pump load) if the control valves (and pump) are working properly.
Unfortunately, the remedy is probably a reconditioned steering box.
Also make sure that you are using the correct oil (Dexron III ATF).
(BTW: I think that the recent C-class is the first merc with Rack-&-Pinion, but in any case, the valves work the same way.)
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