I'm thinking of buying this 190D http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=012&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=220127532731&rd=1&rd=1.
It's only up the road and at a few hundred quid could be a good buy. A dealer has it is as px and doesn't much like it due to classic merc rust on the arches.
I'm not worried about cosmetic rust but apart from that what should I look out for?
Also i'll be using it alongside my jeep which is a 4.7L V8 so i'd like it to be reasonable on fuel, what are these 2.5L's like? I had a jeep 2.5L turbo diesel that did 23mpg... crap.
It's only up the road and at a few hundred quid could be a good buy. A dealer has it is as px and doesn't much like it due to classic merc rust on the arches.
I'm not worried about cosmetic rust but apart from that what should I look out for?
Also i'll be using it alongside my jeep which is a 4.7L V8 so i'd like it to be reasonable on fuel, what are these 2.5L's like? I had a jeep 2.5L turbo diesel that did 23mpg... crap.