Two issues with my w208 320 cab


New Member
Jul 2, 2013
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Blackpool lancs
Your Mercedes
2000 320 clk conv
Can anyone help me my car has just stopped flashing the indicators when locking the car on the fob. Lights flash when opening the car on the fob though. Also why my CD only rarely works more often than not it displays NO CD yet other times it works ok for about three tracks, I have ejected the cassette which holds the CDs in the boot and still doesn't work. Then out of the blue it works it's doin my head in. W208 CLK 320 CAB 2000 year on an X plate:(


Senior Member
Aug 9, 2011
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Sunny Hampshire by the sea
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E55k :S211, SL500 :R129 , V220
Hi and welcome.
Not too sure about the indicators but had a similar problem with our cd. It was on its way out. The cd reader that sees the CDs was not always working. I stripped it all out and got it working for a few more months. Ended up replacing the head unit for a single play cd unit.

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