Update on W210 Rust Saga


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May 23, 2006
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Hi, Ive writen a couple of times regarding the rust on my beloved 300TD and share lots of problems in common with others. The last thread was with Big Ian and told him that I had spoken to three dealers inh the northwest with regard to a warranty repair, non of them would entertain it. The fourth a dealer in Manchester told me to bring the car for an inspection. I was told that because I didnt have a full service history, then merc would probobly say no. However today I got a phone call to book my car in with the dealer for the work to be done. I was absolutely shocked and made up at the same time. It is booked in for 10 days. However when I asked if mercs were paying for it I was told that they usually get authorisation just before the repair takes place? If I dont hear from the dealer then mercs are paying for it. The booking date is April 2007, a long time away but I dont mind. I just hope mercs accept their responsability and do the right thing. Fingers crossed.


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May 12, 2004
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M1, Outside lane, somewhere between Leeds and Lond
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Just make it very clear that they are not to do anything that will incurr a cost to you. If MB don't pay, you'll be trapped down the most expensive route possible and would be far better off, booking it into a good local bodyshop and doing a cash deal.
That said, the fact that they have inspected it, waited and then called to book it in is what they do when a claim has been approved. Oddly, My dad's 211 has been approved for warranty repair, even though in my view, the 'rust' such as it is, looks to have been caused by physical damage. Still - not complaining!


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May 23, 2006
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Thanks for that....I will definately make sure now that it wont cost me. Anyway Im a student...ok a 44year old one but still a student and im skint!!!! hahha so theyve no chance.
Glad to hear about your dads thats great news......I did mention in my threads that I had I spoken to other merc dealers and it was quite funny when one of them tried to tell me that there was no problems with rust on the W210 etc and IF there was then it was down to MB trying to be eco friendly and making less impacts on the environment with their materials.......Ive no doubt that they are, however there is still a rust problem. But he wouldnt have it. never mind.

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