Active Member
Hi, Ive writen a couple of times regarding the rust on my beloved 300TD and share lots of problems in common with others. The last thread was with Big Ian and told him that I had spoken to three dealers inh the northwest with regard to a warranty repair, non of them would entertain it. The fourth a dealer in Manchester told me to bring the car for an inspection. I was told that because I didnt have a full service history, then merc would probobly say no. However today I got a phone call to book my car in with the dealer for the work to be done. I was absolutely shocked and made up at the same time. It is booked in for 10 days. However when I asked if mercs were paying for it I was told that they usually get authorisation just before the repair takes place? If I dont hear from the dealer then mercs are paying for it. The booking date is April 2007, a long time away but I dont mind. I just hope mercs accept their responsability and do the right thing. Fingers crossed.