w124 electric seat controls

Kully E220 Coupe

Senior Member
Oct 5, 2005
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Hi All,


i have a bit of a problem i have electric seats in my coupe but i dont have the little seat shapes that go on the controls at the moment i am just using the stumps to move the seats. I went to my local Merc dealer and they checked on their system and ordered me the parts however they do not seem to fit my conrol unit. Any idea if there are more than one control unit.

I have the one with the head rest control which sits behind the back rest control like the diagram below (sorry i don`t know how to add pics)

*\ __ (passenger side) where * is the headrest control

__ /* (driver side)

if any one know the part numbers for these items please could you let me know, or if you know the part for the control unit that would be very helpful.

Thanks in advance,

Kuldip Panesar


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