W124 leaking rear diff and gearbox.


Senior Member
Jan 4, 2006
Reaction score
Newcastle UT
Oil drips on the drive are getting worse.

Rear diff and somewhere at the gearbox end.

I assume it's the rear diff oil seals.

The gearbox was fitted new by the main dealer at 160K in late 2004, paid for by the previous owner - So I would have expected new oil seals to fitted everywhere on the gearbox end of things.

I park the car on my driveway which is quite a gradiant, I expect this is putting pressure on the system. The previous ownes also had a driveway with a harsh gradiant and the car required a parking brake adjustment as soon as I bought it last year.

The drips were apparent when I bought the vehicle but now it's a worry.

How much should I be expected to pay an indie to rectify? and what are the likely seals on the gearbox end?



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