W202 Estate : puddle of water in boot

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Apr 29, 2004
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W204 (2013) C220 CDi Coupe, R129 (2001) SL 320
I can't remember why I lifted out the rear washer bottle, but I'm glad I did as underneath it was a puddle of clear water in the lowest part of the rear nearside wing section, just where the silencer mount bolts through. My washer bottle water is blue, so it's not from there.

Checking for leaks during it's weekly wash, I noticed water running behind a plastic channel beneath the tailgate strut mounting point. Also, the inside rear pillar is wet just beneath the hook for the boot cover, and this wetness extends to the solid part of the boot floor.

Any idea what is going on ? Could it be related in any way to the tailgate being replaced under the 30 year warranty due to rust in its lowermost seam ?
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