W203 C270 cdi clutch slip?


Sep 6, 2019
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Your Mercedes
W203 2004 C270CDI AUTO OM612
Hi all.

Sure this has been answered before but can't find anything. The clutch seems to be slipping in my 270cdi. Around town its fine but if I floor it it seems to slip and hold the revs at a certain point until the speed catches up. Its got 110000 miles so I'm sure the gearbox will need a flush and service as I often see advised over the Internet. Would this help the issue? Not sure about the clutch set up on automatic gearboxes or the 722.6 for that matter.

Any info would help.


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matthew k

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If your car is an automatic there isn't a clutch but rather a torque converter. If it's slipping that could indicate problems with that, or the clutch packs.

If so there not really serviceable items, I suspect some kind of gearbox rebuild is in order.


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Automatic Transmission's need fluid changes approx every 40'000 Miles. Its amazing the nr of problems fluid can cause in transmission's. Low fluid level, old fluid etc....in terms of problems in cars, automatic transmission fluid punches way above it's weight !!! , for me, 1st step would be to check the fluid level, an it needs to be at 80c for an accurate check ( goes without saying that the car needs to be parked 100% level surface ) Assuming that the level is OK, check the color...should be a clean red color......any dark tints would indicate a problem with the fluid. Last but not least, a scan with a reliable OBD scanner ( iCarsoft MB ) if you happen to know somebody who has one. All of the above, I'd be inclined to try as a first step, and possibly a relatively inexpensive solution to your problem, before going down the road of trans re-build's.


Sep 6, 2019
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Your Mercedes
W203 2004 C270CDI AUTO OM612
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Automatic Transmission's need fluid changes approx every 40'000 Miles. Its amazing the nr of problems fluid can cause in transmission's. Low fluid level, old fluid etc....in terms of problems in cars, automatic transmission fluid punches way above it's weight !!! , for me, 1st step would be to check the fluid level, an it needs to be at 80c for an accurate check ( goes without saying that the car needs to be parked 100% level surface ) Assuming that the level is OK, check the color...should be a clean red color......any dark tints would indicate a problem with the fluid. Last but not least, a scan with a reliable OBD scanner ( iCarsoft MB ) if you happen to know somebody who has one. All of the above, I'd be inclined to try as a first step, and possibly a relatively inexpensive solution to your problem, before going down the road of trans re-build's.
Thanks for the info. I have thought about doing it myself following YouTube videos and service manuals but I don't have the space. I'm not keen on changing transmission fluids on my driveway lol. I think Ill have my local merc indy look at the fluids and see what's best come MOT time.

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Yes absolutely, as others have said. Best to do a full change and filter change for any issues like that and then take it from there.


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There are horror stories bandied about of torque convertor failures, electroplate troubles, etc , and the more you read, the more anxious you can get - but one step at a time.

First step, which costs you peanuts, is to check the fluid level.
Especially do this first if there is no service record of autobox maintenance. All else follows from there.

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