I have had a rear sam problem. The faulty display comes up. Lived with it for a while. No problems. Would come and go. Only happened twice in a year for a few hours then nothing. Then started happening all the time. So I changed the rear sam second hand one. Worked fine. Now same again. Changed it back to old one same thing. The old one was working when I took it out. The locks where working fine from button in car not remote. Now they are not working to lock the car. Work on opening. Have a bounce on one lock. Any ideas would be amazing. Thanks people.
I have had a rear sam problem. The faulty display comes up. Lived with it for a while. No problems. Would come and go. Only happened twice in a year for a few hours then nothing. Then started happening all the time. So I changed the rear sam second hand one. Worked fine. Now same again. Changed it back to old one same thing. The old one was working when I took it out. The locks where working fine from button in car not remote. Now they are not working to lock the car. Work on opening. Have a bounce on one lock. Any ideas would be amazing. Thanks people.