first of all i would like to thank the president for his advise on repairing damged pixels in the instrument cluster (packing it out with small rubber wedges). it worked a treat and all are working properly except one pixel which is not the end of the world.
my problem now is on refitting the cluster the fuel gauge no blips up and down as though it is trying to recalibrate itself. it sits about 5-10mm below the zero when not on now when before it was sitting bang on the zero. i know there is a bout half a tank of juice in there but it is reading below a quarter, can somebody tell me what i have done wrong and if i can fix this
my problem now is on refitting the cluster the fuel gauge no blips up and down as though it is trying to recalibrate itself. it sits about 5-10mm below the zero when not on now when before it was sitting bang on the zero. i know there is a bout half a tank of juice in there but it is reading below a quarter, can somebody tell me what i have done wrong and if i can fix this