I've just had my car over a month now, a 98 E240 with 160,000km's FMSH.
Sometimes the down change from 3rd to 2nd has started to get really hard, especially if I'm coasting off throttle.Like if you were driving a manual box and just let the clutch up too fast. Sometimes it is nice and smooth so I'm suspecting electrical gremlins
I took it to a mercedes gearbox specialest to get the box serviced and its a bit better but not much....
I heard that the battery condition and alternator voltage regulator can cause problems with the box servo's or am I looking at a worn out gearbox??
Anyone got any idea's?
I've just had my car over a month now, a 98 E240 with 160,000km's FMSH.
Sometimes the down change from 3rd to 2nd has started to get really hard, especially if I'm coasting off throttle.Like if you were driving a manual box and just let the clutch up too fast. Sometimes it is nice and smooth so I'm suspecting electrical gremlins
I took it to a mercedes gearbox specialest to get the box serviced and its a bit better but not much....
I heard that the battery condition and alternator voltage regulator can cause problems with the box servo's or am I looking at a worn out gearbox??
Anyone got any idea's?