W211 auto levelling bush fix


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Jul 14, 2021
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W211 e320 cdi wagon
I recently acquired a auto levelling cdi estate.
With some interesting intermittent issues with dropping once parked.
I'm a process operator at a dairy factory so I've got a pretty fair electrical and mechanical mindset.
So like any fault finding broke it down to components ie compressor lines bags and valving.
First step was leak check on bags and lines...soapy water nothing.
Removed inner wheel wells and found a likely cause immediately...compressor intake dragging from belly pan albeit filtered,
So compressor being fed on possibly water laden air to valving and bags without a water trap to stop corrosion.
The bush fix part...removed airline from compressor, then forced in 25mm worth of paslode air tool oil into the airline before reconnecting.
Turn.the car on ...compressor starts oil shoots down line and lubricates all the valving.
Hasn't dropped again since so I've concluded the bags were fine the lines good, but the compressor sucking from so low was feeding damp air to the valving which may have got sticky or corroded.
So if you have an intermittent drop...your compressor isn't running constantly...I say lube your valves a tad
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