W211 Instrument Cluster Dead - No Power to Connecting Plug


New Registration
Dec 30, 2020
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Your Mercedes
W211 E320 CDI
Hi All

I've recently taken ownership of a 2007 W211 E320 CDI. Unfortunate luck has meant within my short ownership, the cluster is dead. This topic was covered here:


In terms of things I have done:
  • Fuses 64 and 52 are good
  • The cluster has been sent for a repair by Essex Recons
  • Cluster has been taken out of the car and powered on bench
This led me to believe that perhaps there is no power reaching the cluster at all. I removed the plug and using a multimeter, I checked the plug to see if I could pick up any power. It does appear that absolutely no power is getting to the plug.

Does anyone know where the power could be missing? I did read somewhere there were looms/connectors in either front footwells but I couldn't find any solid information if a fault there could be what's leading to a lack of power to the cluster.

Any help is welcome as I am pulling my hair out at this stage


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