W220 parking brake


Senior Member
Jul 6, 2009
Reaction score
The glorious Kingdom of Thanet
Your Mercedes
W220 2005 S320 CDI Previously...W210 2002 220cdi, W202 2000 C200T Kompressor
Evening all, don't know if this has been covered on the forum before, but a search doesn't bring anything up. I'm in the middle of replacing the parking brake shoes and noticed that the ends seem to hang in mid air, as in this photo I've nicked from S Class encyclopaedia. They are located in the expander ok, and the brakes work as they should, but if I'm parking on an incline the car will roll downhill slightly after I've set the parking brake, I imagine this is the shoes being twisted until they clobber the post on the backplate.

Now I'm wondering if there should be a plate or something over the post to take up the gaps, a Google image search shows that some Mercs do have a clip or plate on the post, but I can't find any reference to one for the w220. It could be 18 years of wear I suppose!


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