
  1. J

    Mercedes Red-Fire Opal

    Good evening I just got my back after a warranty respray if there is such a thing. The initial obvious microblustering was on the bonnet which showed the initial signs of obvious microblistering and peeling , but the doors, roof and, boot were done as welll. I literally got the car back...
  2. G

    GL 420 cdi 2008

    Hello, I'm new to this forum and do not know where to turn around so maybe it's wrong to write this here. I have encountered something that apparently many others in the United States have agreed to see that many in America regret what I was having trouble with. The problem is that while the...
  3. S

    W169 A-Class CVT Diesel - No Transmission

    I am looking for any suggestions as to a fault I encountered today. On starting the car and selecting R I moved a metre and heard a clunking noise and moved no further. Selecting D or R sees no engagment and the car remains in one spot. There are no indications on the dash of any fault...
Specialist in parts for W140 and R129 Mercedes-Benz models.
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