interior lights

  1. LEDUpgradesUK

    Interior Bulbs Kits

    Hi all, hope this is the correct forum for this topic. I have a W212 Estate and am looking to replace the interior lights for LED's. I have found some fair priced bulb kits on ebay but they are for the saloon. Can anyone tell me how many bulbs extra I will need over what the saloon has? So for...
  2. E

    Interior Lights and Parktronic System Faults

    Hi. Just bought an E280 last week, the 2006 facelift model and have a few issues to sort out. Got it at a decent price so can't complain really. Electrics wise I have two problems, any suggestions would be much appreciated. The interior roof lights don't work at all, ambient, reading, normal...
Specialist in parts for W140 and R129 Mercedes-Benz models.
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