I have recently had my auxiliary battery replaced so my stop/start works now. When paying my bill, I was presented with output from XENTRY that both NOx sensors needed replacing. Apparently, there is a shortage of them and they could install one new and one refurb for £1000. On another forum I...
For those of you who have shown an interest in my long running saga with MB, an update;
Today I sent a copy of the narrative, synopsis and front page for my web site off to Dr Christine Hohmann-Dennhardt, Board of Management Daimlier AG, Stuttgart, with responsibility for "Integrity and Legal...
WE HAVE NOW MOVED: 8 Hazel Road, Woolston, SO19 7GB Service, Repairs and remapping service Any queries, please do not hesitate to contactEmail@mbsofsouthampton.co.ukor alternatively you can phone Colin or Dave on 02380 445820, out of hours numbers are 07787913313 or 07907631681.
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