prop shaft

  1. Holmey

    2003 E320 CDi Prop Shaft Centre Bearing?

    Hi, I’ve started feeling what can perhaps best be described as a shimmer through the drivetrain of my 2003, (now), 135,000 mile E320 CDi at various speed when accelerating medium/hard, with this shimmering only lasting for a second or 2 before everything smooths out again. From experience of...
  2. S

    W211 / S211 E220CDI Prop Shaft - HELP!

    I have just bought an early 2008 E220CDI estate to replace my rusting 2001 version. The new one has a terrible vibration which I think comes from the propshaft as I had a similar issue with the old one some years back. I cannot find out what propshafts will fit. Mine is a 5 speed auto tip...
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