Hi there!
I'm from Malaysia and looking forward to buying my first Merc. The dealer is bringing the car in from UK in August and it's a W202 1998 C200 with an automatic transmission, Elegence model.
I do not know much about Merc and I wish to seek your expertise to advise me. The mileage is about 40,000 miles. Hope you can share with me some valuable info about this model. One other thing is that do you happen to know if there is any typical fault/problem with this model? I plan to own the car for the next 7 years and would like to find out if the car will last me this long with a proper maintenance. Are the gearbox and engine on this model reliable enough? Look forward to hearing from you out there.
Thank you.
I'm from Malaysia and looking forward to buying my first Merc. The dealer is bringing the car in from UK in August and it's a W202 1998 C200 with an automatic transmission, Elegence model.
I do not know much about Merc and I wish to seek your expertise to advise me. The mileage is about 40,000 miles. Hope you can share with me some valuable info about this model. One other thing is that do you happen to know if there is any typical fault/problem with this model? I plan to own the car for the next 7 years and would like to find out if the car will last me this long with a proper maintenance. Are the gearbox and engine on this model reliable enough? Look forward to hearing from you out there.
Thank you.