1998 E430

  • Thread starter Antoinette Fournier
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Antoinette Fournier

I have a 1998 E 430...with about 80,000 miles on it.....drove perfectly up until a month ago. As I'm driving along..suddenly the VDO light comes in for a second..goes off....and comes on again..and lately..it's happening more frequently.....after the third warning....the VDO flahes constantly and the car....even if you're travling at 60-65 suddenly just about STOPS...no matter where you are. It continues at practically no speed for about a minute and then resumes as normal.

i have brought the car to the local mercedes dealership...and they did a diagnostic AND FOUND NOTHING WRONG WITH THE CAR. Obviously something is very wrong and i don't want to have to die to prove them wrong.

I did note that when it happens..it won';t happen again until the car is shut off and then started up again. Today it happened 3 times.

Does this sound at all familiar in order to point them in the right direction.
Never had this problem before; just started about a month ago.
I would greatly appreciate your input...it could save my life.
Thank you.


Senior Member
Dec 6, 2002
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vdo light


I don't know what you mean by the VDO light what colour is it? where is it in the cluster and what shape or picture is it ???????
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