260E-blubbering on warm re-start - It sounds like I put the

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Active Member
Jun 9, 2002
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Me again. My 260E (151, 000 miles) runs quite well, breathing a bit still, using 1l oil per 1000 miles but smooth and 120 MPH+

Full service 3, 000 miles ago, new distributor cap, plugs, rotor arm, plug leads.

The car starts fine when cold and quite well when hot

Now this is the problem. After I have driven the car and it is warm or hot and I leave it parked for anything over a few seconds and the restart the car, it sounds and feels like it is 8-stroking/blubbering/running rich.It's almost as if it were a carburettor car and I had put the choke on when it's hot. The car will start, and will tick over but the idle is not very stable, varying up and down more than usual.

However, it just takes a run of about 50 yards or so down the road and then the blubbering clears.

It sounds like neat fuel/over rich mixture is getting into the cylinders (or cylinder?) when the car is hot.

Looking around the fuel system, I believe it's possible that there is a problem with the fuel system
pressurisation-excessive pressure when the car is warm but turned off is causing fuel to leak past the injector(s) or to boil in the fuel lines. This excessively rich mixture then burns off quite quickly and correct pressure is regained. Well, this is ONE theory. If correct, I suppose I should replace the fuel accumulator? Any comments? What else could it be? Could it possibly be the cold start unit is faulty? HELP!!!!
Cheers, Al


Senior Member
May 28, 2001
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West Midlands
260E-blubbering on warm re-start


Have you thought it could be the other way around. The vehicle has done a few miles. Uses oil. The valves could be coked up. The engine is running WEAK when first started when hot. Due to the coke soaking up the fuel initially when first starting.

I am not saying its definately this. But I am not sure of your theory either. Especially with out checking fuel pressures.

I can't say for sure what your problem is with out tests. But food for thought.


Andy @ www.mercedesservicing.com
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