Robin Thorn
Hi there, just arrived to this site after buying a very nice 1991 300TE 4MATIC for my wife. Collected the car and all was fine.
After a few days she complained that it had died on her, but started with no problems after leaving it for about 20 mins. This has now got progressively worse to where it will now cut out several times a day usually when showing just over 80 degrees engine temp.
Sometimes it will restart with no problems but generally is very lumpy at idle and dies when you engage drive. It will start with the minimum of cranking. It will rev itself sill under no load but will die as soon as you put on any load. Often the only wat to get away is to rev up to 2000 rpm, foot on the brake and drop it into dive with a prayer. It is then ok until the next occurence, sometimes days later.
Local BOSCH man is convinced it is over fuelling, Have replaced theKE control unit with no improvement, the next step is to replace the metering head as it is believed that the 'electro hydraulic pressure actuator' that controls the over-enrichment may be faulty.
Any other ideas or positive resonse?
The OVP relay is brand new and the coil and the HT leads.
Help please, Robin Thorn :cry:
After a few days she complained that it had died on her, but started with no problems after leaving it for about 20 mins. This has now got progressively worse to where it will now cut out several times a day usually when showing just over 80 degrees engine temp.
Sometimes it will restart with no problems but generally is very lumpy at idle and dies when you engage drive. It will start with the minimum of cranking. It will rev itself sill under no load but will die as soon as you put on any load. Often the only wat to get away is to rev up to 2000 rpm, foot on the brake and drop it into dive with a prayer. It is then ok until the next occurence, sometimes days later.
Local BOSCH man is convinced it is over fuelling, Have replaced theKE control unit with no improvement, the next step is to replace the metering head as it is believed that the 'electro hydraulic pressure actuator' that controls the over-enrichment may be faulty.
Any other ideas or positive resonse?
The OVP relay is brand new and the coil and the HT leads.
Help please, Robin Thorn :cry: