5th Gears New Presenter

Jun 1, 2006
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West Sussex - UK
Based on another thread I just wanted to do a quick survey of those that watch 5th Gear to see if anyone thinks the new presenter adds anything to the show? I personally find him irritating beyond belief and have taken to recording the show and just fast forwarding any bits with him in it.

If anyone from the 5th Gear production teams is a member of this forum can you please explain to me why he is there and when he will be going away?


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Jun 21, 2005
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Ahhh...Mr Tim Lovejoy: -

Personally I think he's atrocious.

Readily admits he knows nothing about cars, yet always quick to butt in on anyones conversation.

A massive debate is going on about Fifth Gear on another forum, and the general concencus is that he's a total tosser.

Don't know if you watched last weeks show (where they had members of the public doing reviews of their cars)?

One guy gave a really good report on a Discovery. OK, not professional, but full of genuine enthusiasm and interest.

What does Mr. Tosser say? *At least our jobs are safe* :shock:

Sorry Tim, I don't think yours is for much longer...Stick with the football commentarys :-x

Roll on the return of Top Gear :wink:


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Nov 28, 2005
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This new presenter has driven me back to Top Gear,thats how irritateing I find him!!


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The idea was to desparately try to emulate top gear with a bit of humerous banter between clips. Sadly, they forgot that you need real chemistry between the presenters and an enthusiasm for the subject, coupled with an understanding that whilst they, and we are enthusiastic, we're also a bit embarrased to admit it in public. Lets be honest, discussing BHP and the latest valve technology is a bit nurdy and won't impress the girls.

Blatantly, VBH and Dim Tim would run out of conversation instantly if it hadn't been scripted for them. Drinking buddies they aren't and as Tim knows nothing of his subject, he can't add anything. I doubt he even drives.

I too picked up on the 'jobs are safe' comment. Sure the amateurs weren't exactly slick, but some were far better than I'd expected and were miles ahead of Tim and to ask people to effectively apply for a job by video and then for a hopeless presenter to take the **** was just offensive. Ok, show a hopeless video from someone who is clearly doing it for a joke, fine. But some people had obviously spent considerable time and effort on their clips and to take the mick in such a negative way was very disrespectful. Had JC done it ( I doubt he would) then ok, as the single handed inventor of modern presentation, he's qualified, but that muppet? He's only been doing the job for 5 mins himself. I'd like to see his presentation!

Contrast that with TG, where the presenters frequently leave the script behind. The number of times they slip up, only for another presenter to pick up on it and take the **** proves the point. No one can script that, it has to be ad-lib from genuine friends, with the same sense of humour as the rest of us. Consequently, we feel we know them, consider them our friends and look forward to seeing them each week. They could review a flower bed and it would still be entertaining. I still feel that the Winter Olympics special was a comedy classic. They didn't need cars, infact the couple of car bits in the middle almost spoilt it!

Also, it's basically a car show - so why run it out of a bikers cafe?

I can't say I know the solution, but attempting to emulate TG is the televisual equivalent of alchemy. Gold is Gold, you've either got it or you haven't.
Jun 1, 2006
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West Sussex - UK
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I was going to put some quotes in JB but I agree with every word so I wont bother. I certainly agree with the winter olympics thing, best thing on TV in years.

The odd thing is that while all the worlds do-gooders are trying to get Top Gear banned it is one of the few programs I feel comfortable sitting down infront of with my 7 year old son and knowing that we will both be laughing at the same bits. A true family programme. He still keeps going on about the episode where they had to make cars that they could use as boats and the one where they go caravanning.
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Oct 5, 2006
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North Norfolk
That is so uncanny, this week I saw it was on and thought - nah, I won't bother. It is solely down to the new format and that horrendous guy. When he first started I just thought, oh well he's new and obviously nervous. Now he is just rude, stupid and full of misplaced self confidence.

I can't be bothered to sit thru the program anymore - if you add up the amount of enjoyable watching, i.e. when you don't have the tv on mute due to Tim "nice?" but Dim, I reckon you get maybe 15 mins tops.

Frankly I can spend my time in more pleasurable ways (watching paint dry etc).

I'm so pleased to see that my view is not unique and maybe the producers will realise and dump the guy asap.

VBH is great but she is so hampered by that guy and the inane, stilted and contrived conversation with him.

And like someone said Why is it filmed in a bikers cafe?

All rather odd and ill thought out :sad: bring back the old format (and old presenters too).

Bah Humbug, Grumble Mutter Mutter.



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Nov 14, 2004
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wots 5th Gear then?;)

if any of the production team are members on here, they will get banned for making anything on TV. its derogotory TV is 5th Gear.

and I dont watch it. i dont need to. If tiff needle is in it, its bound to be crap.


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Aug 29, 2006
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Total agreeement with JB - Jason Plato was equally modest but had the technical credentials, and needs to be back as an anchor...

Bin Mr Lovejoy at once I say.

Silver Arrow

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Mar 16, 2005
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Mr L seems to have obtained an apprentice. (The chap who considered it humorous to put congealed fat into a perfectly good 250D to drive it from Southport to Goole or so.)

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