a couple of questions

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New Member
Apr 2, 2004
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Hallo. About a month ago I bought my first merc - a 1990 230ce. Lovely motor. No toys, no leather, 150k, but £1700. Generally very good nick indeed. Is that par for the course for a basic w124 coupe? (the price I mean...)

My previous vehicle, a BMW E30 coupe, was constantly thrashed and woefully
neglected but never let me down even though it croaked (is timing belt failure at 112k miles after absolutely no maintenance the car's fault? :oops: ) However, my sniffings around would suggest that a w124 of this vintage is a car that deserves a lot better. The rather embarrassing trouble is that I don't know where to start. Do you just go into a garage and ask for a "service"? I'd rather be more specific without waiting for a problem to actually manifest itself, but I don't have a scoob what to ask for, or how often it should be done. And I don't want to get ripped off - at the moment I am at the mercy of the unscrupulous. Any pointers would be much appreciated.

There is only one thing that bothers me about the car: the huge build up of negative pressure in the petrol tank - violent hiss on release of filler cap. Normal? Or should cap have vent? It looks like the original cap, but I can't be certain.

Great forum, by the way, very informative. In fact I suppose I could have answered these questions myself with a bit more looking, but, er, I didn't.



Senior Member
Apr 15, 2002
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congrats to your 1st merc

the pressure built in the fuel tank is normal especially if the tank is full and nothing to worry about.

as for servicing, i would not take it to mercedes dealer to get it serviced
as you will be probably very skint afterwards. best to find a independent
mercedes specialist or ask around on the forum, as any decent mechanic will know what work needs doing on the car if you just ask for a service.

as for more specifics that need doing, it depends on how well your car was maintained by the previous owner but a good place to start would
be to check the condition of the fluids/filters if they look dirty it will be worth changing too during the service

eg gearbox oil, diff oil, brake fluid, coolant

also check your shocks to see if they have been changed as if they are
still the original ones they will be past their best at 150K and a shock change will tighten up the handling. go for Bilstein shocks if you do plan
to change them and you can get them quite cheap at Euro carparts
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