Can anyone advise me on the best solution for me to have two bikes on my clk? I dont want to hurt the bodywork! I would prefer something mounted on the back rather than on the roof.
those clip on bike racks to me look awful, like it rubs on the car, they usually sit to high and the weight loks all wrong.
Depending how often you carry the bikes and intend to keep the car I would go for a detachable towbar and rack on the back. Far more secure, you will be able to open the boot, and more importantly its away from the car body.
as an idea I had a westfailer towbar fitted to my current ML and my 330 convertibe (completly invisable when removed) these were around £300 fitted.
I have only had the car 6 months and intend on keeping for a couple of years. I have recently got into riding and now the nights are drawing in i want to take it to work on a regular basis.
Not sure I know exactly what you mean about a towbar, are you sure one can be fitted to a clk?
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