Buying M Class Advice!


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Oct 25, 2004
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CLK230 Cabriolet 1999 2.3
Can anyone out there in cyber space point me in the right direction in aiding in purchasing an M Class, Face lift version, and what to look for with regards to mainly problems or pitfalls to avoid?
The model I'm interested in is a 2001 ML270 CDI version, which I'm going to view tomorrow.


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Jul 6, 2004
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West Country
moveitall said:
Can anyone out there in cyber space point me in the right direction in aiding in purchasing an M Class, Face lift version, and what to look for with regards to mainly problems or pitfalls to avoid?
The model I'm interested in is a 2001 ML270 CDI version, which I'm going to view tomorrow.

Why not take a look at the JD power Surveys first... The ML gets slated every year... There has to be a reason for it...

Dieter R

Oct 22, 2002
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Hi Peter,

Have had an ML270 since March 2002 and have driven it for 33000 miles. It's showing it's age a bit now versus other 4 x 4's but I have found it to be OK. Yes the ride can be harsh and the seats could be more supportive but a sportscar it's not meant to be. It goes well enough and I've had no real problems/rattles etc. At the moment it's also good value for money. They are a 'funny' vehicle though as the first one we had a test drive in (15 minutes or so) was a 'dog'. Luckily another dealer loaned us a 270 for a day and that was fine (as was mine).

Bear in mind comments received but get a good test drive and make up your own mind.




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Jul 6, 2004
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West Country
Dieter R said:
Hi Peter,

Have had an ML270 since March 2002 and have driven it for 33000 miles. It's showing it's age a bit now versus other 4 x 4's but I have found it to be OK. Yes the ride can be harsh and the seats could be more supportive but a sportscar it's not meant to be. It goes well enough and I've had no real problems/rattles etc. At the moment it's also good value for money. They are a 'funny' vehicle though as the first one we had a test drive in (15 minutes or so) was a 'dog'. Luckily another dealer loaned us a 270 for a day and that was fine (as was mine).

Bear in mind comments received but get a good test drive and make up your own mind.



I agree that 4x4 are not meant to be like sports cars but last year I replaced our family car (volvo T5) for a 4X4 so we did the rounds my other half was set on an ML320 > so off we went to do the rounds, RX300 ML CRV Land cruiser etc

Today we have a Honda CRV outside the house and the missus _LOVES_ it the ride is awsom (dont feel any bumps ever) seats are nice and firm and will allow you 4 hours in them without feeling sore. It will still allow you to drive it quite hard without feeling like it might topple. We got Sat NAV leather Climate control , sunroof alpine DVD player two LCD screens smoked glass and so on as standard... cost 24K

Its done 12K and has not seen a dealer since the day it left one.

no Squeeks no rattles no trim issues :D

How many ML owners can state the above ? Sams uncle also had one of the "Good" MLs but and I agree its a nice car but If I was buying a second hand car that would be out of the original waranty I would not want to risk getting one of the bad ones :(

Given that the New one comes out soon second hand prices will get even better if you wait a few more months...


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Nov 14, 2004
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if i remember right, the ML was built in USA. some suffer from the appaling build quality that Mercedes owners dont expect.

But I always want to know why, in defence of 4x4's that owners often say they are not sportcars? you can generally work this out when you see one. I had a Grand Cherokee and got rid of it as i didnt like the fact it wasnt't a sports car and you had to input the steering wheel about 100yards from any corner. but i never went round saying it was not a good ride nor did i knock the car. It wasn't what i liked but when i bought it, it was very good and i thought i would like it. With the road humps nowadays i keep thinking i may go back to one.

And if i was to recommend any 4x4 i would be tempted to mention the grand cherokee rather than an ML. however, i do think the post stating "go have a test drive and decide yourself" is the best option. The reason i say that is, you are going to spend your money on it. look at it and decide if you want to, then ask what we think before you purchase. we may say, great car and you buy the worst car on earth which is why it was for sale, or we may say its a bag of spanners and you miss out on the greatest car you never owned.

come back and let us know what you think of the car you saw.


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Jul 6, 2004
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West Country
The problem with "Go take a test drive and see what you think" is, it doesn't line you up for the hours of driving loan cars while the car that you liked on a test drive is put straight :(

My SL was well maintained, had very low millage and drove nice and it was inspected and had no faults when I bought it...

It has cost 2K to put straight. SO FAR excluding (respraying paint damage due to the water based crap MB now use)

Gearbox £500
Cats £ 1000
MAF £250
Climate Control £100

servicing has been about £800

I need to replace the rear plastic panels in the softtop as the were never used and have gone hard and cracked :( (£250 - £400)

And thats for one of the flagship MBs that most people rave about, So going into the purchase of a car that held position 179 of 179 in customer satisfaction survey needs better info...
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Oct 25, 2004
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CLK230 Cabriolet 1999 2.3
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ML 270 test drive

I have today completed a 2 hour test drive in a ML270 CDI 03 reg. I noticed the fuel sender is giving conflicting information, ie: one minute it shows almost empty and then when you stop and restart the engine it shows half full. Fortunately this vehicle still has over a year left on its warranty.
Also, noted one of the parking sensors has fallenback into the bumper and is giving false readings. Does anyone know if this would be covered under the warranty?
I found it does lack back and side support when negotiating bends. Other than that it goes really well. The build quality is not as bad as I was led to believe by the motoring media.
Anyway peeps, thanks for all the comments, some not much help!


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Dec 28, 2004
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near Dublin
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Before parting with a penny, I would make sure everything worked as it should;
including the two items you mention.
Any decent sales man would have no problem fixing these to get a sale. But don't ask for them to be done till after you agree a price.
and i'm going for a pint now.



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May 23, 2005
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peterchurch said:
the missus _LOVES_ it, the ride is awsom, seats will allow you 4 hours in them without feeling sore. Drive it without feeling like it might topple. Its done 12K and has not seen a dealer since the day it left one. no Squeeks no rattles no trim issues :D

How many ML owners can state the above ?

I can say after 103,000 in my 2001 pre-facelift ML270.

  • missus loves it
  • "rid" is "awsom" with one or seven adult occupants
  • 4 hours is not a problem at all - or all day
  • haven't toppled or seen another one toppled (I use the higher tyre pressures which I find helps eg doughnutting a roundabout)
  • have done 103k and it's nearly run in, with minor issues only
  • no rattles or trim issues, and leather looks excellent still

car goes back to lease company end July unless anyone wants to buy it with 6 or 12 months limited but generous warranty.

re build quality the 270 CDIs were built in Graz, Austria not partsaloosa in Alabama.


May 27, 2005
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My wife was thinking of buying an M270 CDI a few weeks ago and we got down to a local dealer to have a test drive.

I've been a MB user for some time, but thats my first time in an M-class. I have to say I could not believe that car had the MB badge. Its just totally non MB. The interior looked awful, inferior. We both immediately decided we had to totally forget about it.

Sorry to folks who own the M but thats how I felt.


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Jul 6, 2004
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West Country
I am happy that someone likes the ML :D my opinions are just that, opinions.
I had the choice and went elsewhere as I thought the car sucked. If you are not bothered about spending 20 - 40K on a car that is nowhere near the top of its class, then I guess the ML is the right car, and not everyone evaluates a new car the sameway. Rest assured there are better 4x4 for alot less money But if you want a star on the bonnet then your stuck with the ML unless you can find a G waggon of course... I hope the new one is as good as the hype :D

Dieter R

Oct 22, 2002
Reaction score
Hi all,

The reason many 4 x 4 owners quote that 'it's not a sportscar' is cos most non-4 x 4 owners seem to expect them to handle like sportscars. They don't. I never expected it to!

Many ML270CDi's were built in Alabama. I believe if you ordered phone option they may have been made in Austria.

Whilst the current ML may (now) not be top of its class it certainly kick started the luxury 4 x 4 sector which resulted in BMW, Volvo etc. getting in on the act. Isn't BMW looking to develop it's own R-class etc. now that Mercedes have opened the niche (bet u get a CLS lookalike from them (BMW) soon).
Overall 620,000 ML's were sold which doesn't exactly make it a flop although I do agree it's long term effect (especially pre-facelift model) has not reflected well on Mercedes.

Hopefully (and reviews look positive) the new ML will address the perceived problems with the old model and go some way both to restoring Mercedes reputation and to be a credible alternative to the current (more modern) crop of luxury 4 x 4's.

Ultimately, as was pointed out, we all choose our vehicles for different reasons and it's important, imho, that we (are allowed) continue to do so (e.g. viz a viz anti -4 x 4 faction etc.).
"One man's heap of junk is another man's pride and joy"

(else get shot of it, quick!)



Senior Member
Jul 6, 2004
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West Country
Dieter R said:
Hi all,

The reason many 4 x 4 owners quote that 'it's not a sportscar' is cos most non-4 x 4 owners seem to expect them to handle like sportscars. They don't. I never expected it to!

I wouldn't say that :) When I had my MR2 a rather enjoyable and spirited ride along the A4 was interupted by an upstart in an ML320 going like a proverbial bat! I let him overtake as I thought his hair was on fire or something, and lo and behold he came past me and carried on through some of the most entertaining bends well over 100 ! not bad for doesn't handle like one :D


Senior Member
May 23, 2005
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Dieter R said:
Whilst the current ML may (now) not be top of its class it certainly kick started the luxury 4 x 4 sector which resulted in BMW, Volvo etc. getting in on the act.

agree - the original ML was applauded for it's saloon-like ride and handling. It's also way behind the game now since its rivals came out to play. Hoping Benz move the game on again.


Senior Member
Feb 7, 2006
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Just to add to this thread, even though its dated, just in case anyone else is thinking about buying an M-Class.

A bit of background: I bought my ML new in 12/2000, upgraded from a Grand Cherokee Diesel and it was like going from a ford into a roller. I've owned fast sports cars (ie Sierra Cosworths), common cars and 4x4's, and working in Germany, had the opportunity to hire many a 'class' car. (I would definitely never buy a BMW, they must give the motoring press heavy 'bungs' to promote them. Audi, VW and most importantly, Merc are, in my experience of the 'Germans', the best buys).

Thus having a wide experience, I can thoroughly recommend the M-Class, albeit I can appreciate there are some 'dogs' out their and I've been one of the lucky ones. They arent sport cars, they arent sheer luxury cars
(like the S class), their just damned good all round.

Due to my work, my ML has spent many months in +40'c Rome/Milan, -30/-40'c in Austria (where it spends 6 months a year in the snow), a lot of time on the German Autobahns and the remaining 10% in Leeds (if you've seen the potholes, you can appreciate this comment)!

Its been to hell and back with me, and the only gripes: loose bull bars, fitted by the dealer and some sheared glow plugs which just happened. It has the laminated roof, which can be a bit noisy at 120mph, but the joy of having a 4x4 pseudo cabriolet negates it. Economy, averaged 30mpg on normal runs,
28mpg flat out on the autobahns.

The alloys need re-facing (a common problem on all Mercs) and a few stone chips need touching up, but other than that, it looks and feels as new.

Best advise if your looking for an ML, find out its history (what work has been done on it) and test it. If its had little done to it, other than servicing, chances are its not a 'dog'.

Great car, I've only just, in the last few weeks considered selling it because my Brother wants to buy it (hes had a dog of an A-class) and I got cheesed off with Glow Plugs (the first thing thats gone wrong in 5 years!!!!).

How does it compare to previous cars: Best car and cheapest I've owned, period. :-D


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2004
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ML = My Life saver

have not read any of the foregoing - I was driving home last night, just got onto 2 mile absolute straight dual carriageway, minimal traffic - set cruise at 70 and pushed back into the seat, comfy for the 30 or so miles of A12 left to go.

An almighty bang and immediate loss of control - two 360's, dashed off the central res and another 180.

A drunk in a 330 Beamer had driven straight into the back of me! Witness confirms my ML was lifted off the ground - the BMW was estimated at 100mph.

Thankfully, it is only ML that is wrecked. I am in one piece with nothing but bruises and a bit of whiplash.

I bought the ML because I felt safe. But not as much as I do now...

The drunks insurers are delivering me a ML hire car next week when hopefully i'll be fit enough to drive.

Take it from me, if you can buy one, do it.


Senior Member
Feb 7, 2006
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The best recommendation any car can have, at a potentially fatal price!


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May 12, 2004
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M1, Outside lane, somewhere between Leeds and Lond
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Jaguar XF 3.0 S, LR Freelander 2, Fiat 500 & Fiat Panda
Brings it all back to earth. We are all quick enough to whinge if it some electronic gizmo winks out but we forget just how tough a merc is when you need it to be. Lots of double strength bits where others put single, a stack of airbags and safety kit. We often don't appreciate where our money goes.
25k per year in the rain and snow over the top of the pennines each day, I can't think of anywhere I'd rather be than in my merc. At least I know if it all goes horribly wrong, I have better than average chance. I often look at the folk in their normal tin boxes and think, NCAP or not, if something went wrong, they're stuffed.

nick lewis

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Nov 19, 2005
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I have had my ML320 for three weeks now and so far so good, I did a bit of reserch before buying mine and found that most models get a good slaging off no matter what you look at people want to tell you about all the bad things that happen, But if all is well people keep quiet . personally i think ML's are bargain of the century, ie mine is a 320, 2002 with 28,000 miles full MB history sat-nav privacy pack,family pack and all the toys, I paid £16,750 the same year range rover(new shape) with 30,000 miles £25,000 :shock: BMW X5's £24,000. No mater what you buy there will always be someone that gets a bad one you just have to pick carefully,we also have a c320,A class and an SLK in the family and no problems touch wood. I also have a 4x4 sapphire cosworth and sold my escort cosworth to get the ML so i am lucky and have the best of both worlds depending on my conclusion so far very happy and will let you know if anything bad happen's:D




Has anyone any news on tyre wear. I have heard conflicting reports about excessive wear to one side and general typre life on these vehicles.

Thanks in advance

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