C270CDI Auto Gearbox Problem


New Member
Oct 3, 2006
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Tunbridge WELLS
I have a C270cdi Auto Estate. It's a 2002 with about 65k on the clock. Generally the gearbox works very well and operates smoothly, but has one annoying problem that I wondered if anyone else has encountered ? Three times in the last three months the car has lost all drive when it appears that I have confused the gearbox. On each occasion this has happened when I have attempted to "kick down" when the gearbox was least expecting it. I know this sounds a little odd, but as an example, when joining a dual carriageway from a slip road that is on a slope perhaps with a bend and I have slowed down slightly to check my mirrors for oncoming traffic. Seeing that I could safely pull out into a gap of fast moving traffic, I have pressed the accelerator quite hard to move into the traffic quickly, only to then hear the engine rev freely and realise that the car has actually lost all drive, although the gear selector is still in D for drive. Each time I've had to coast into the verge with the hazard lights on and stop, run the gear selector through the range to P for park, and then return to D drive. Each time the car has immediately returned to normal and I've continued my journey without further trouble. I'm not sure if this would also work if I moved the gear selector into neutral and back to drive whilst still coasting, but I've simply been too frightened to do this whilst still on the move for fear of destroying the gearbox altogether !

General driving and motorway overtaking at high speed is totally fine, and all seems to work as it should. The problem has only ever happened when trying to pull away quickly from a "moving" junction or exiting a roundabout - obviously both occasions the car is still in motion. It really seems as if I've confused the gearbox whereby it just gives up.

I've had various powerful automatics over the years yet never experienced this type of problem before. With a few other minor niggles about the car, starting to wonder if I need to return to my happier days of Audi trouble free motoring ?

I feel sure that my local MB dealer will be only too happy to suggest I need a new gearbox when I ask them about the problem, so thought I'd check here first for any advice.

Uncle Benz

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Mar 31, 2006
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West Sussex
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Mainly Mercedes
The first thing that comes in to my mind is the fluid level. Have you had this checked? These boxes often have fluid weeps and as there is no dipstick supplied with the car, level of fluid is rarely checked. I often see them with a low level.

Chris Knott Insurance, see oursticky posts here!
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