C43 Service Intervals

Nov 16, 2006
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I serviced the C43 last year in January but I only did circa. 5000 miles since. The service light (no idea what to look for) has not come on but I am keen to keep the annual intervals the same before getting it done...

How do I know it needs one? I have just broken through 60k and I had one last at around 55.5k miles exactly a year ago. Should I give it in to MB for a service anyway and what needs doing on this at 60k. Timing chain? Gearbox Oil,?? Should I wait until the light comes on or should I get it services because a year has been and gone I know for a fact that the front ball joints need doing anyway...

I called them up and spoke to service and all they keep saying is "is there no light on the dash board?", then claiming they will call me back but I still have not heard from them (1 month's been and gone ).


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May 12, 2004
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M1, Outside lane, somewhere between Leeds and Lond
Your Mercedes
Jaguar XF 3.0 S, LR Freelander 2, Fiat 500 & Fiat Panda
Does your car have assyst?
If so, it will tell you on the computer display when a service is due.
If it doesn't then you need to check the service book. My W202 was serviced every 9k which would make your last service at 55k sound about right. If so, the next one will be due at 64k.
That said, a lot depends on what the 5k consists of. If it is 5k of occasional motorway runs then don't worry. If its 5k of "London" work however, being used most days and sitting in traffic for long periods over short distances, then it's probably done more actual work than a 15k motorway car and it could do with a check over and an oil change.
Also, as it's hit 60k, get them to change the gearbox oil and filters whilst they're at it.
Nov 16, 2006
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Thanks I have done mostly start stop stuff and with the AMG suspension as well the London roads give me quite a harsh ride I can also tell its running rougher then the norm so I probably do need to hand it in

angus falconer

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Sep 2, 2003
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You should be able to scroll through the options on the service indicator to see when the car thinks it needs a service (can't recall how to do this but there is a way.)

I do low-ish miles in mine (6-7,000) but follow the usual guidance of xxxx miles or 12 months whichever is sooner.

So I always take mine in on an annual basis.

I alternate between A and B services, sometimes have extras done like gerabox fluid (best do this at 50,000 miles/5 years), hub grease and diff oil.

At the VERY least go and have your oil and filter changed.

Out of interest where do you take it?
Nov 16, 2006
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Thanks I will definately try them as I live just around the corner at the moment I am using a main dealer
Nov 16, 2006
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No I am afraid of saying what mine is as I occassionally get excited by the noise and rev it around town but its the 98 Salloon

What sort of money are you spending on repairs annually and why did you sell the silver saloon

angus falconer

Senior Member
Sep 2, 2003
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No I am afraid of saying what mine is as I occassionally get excited by the noise and rev it around town but its the 98 Salloon

What sort of money are you spending on repairs annually and why did you sell the silver saloon

I sold the silver saloon when a good estate came up. Wanted the estate for (a) space (two kids now) and (b) styling (I personally prefer it) (c) roof rails (for roof box, bike rack, etc).

How much do I spend a year on maintenance? I once worked it out but can't remember. A bad year (big service £800, tyres £500 and brakes £700) can cost £2000. A good year (minor service plus odd bits and bobs) can be, say £4-500.

I spend a fair amount because they are high performance cars and neglect ends up costing more in subsequent repairs or a reduction in vehicle value.

Extra things that BSG have done for me include gearbox fluid, diff oil and re-greasing bearings. Cost extra but preserves (expensive) transmission parts.
Nov 16, 2006
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Update on my c43 amg .... Use bsg merc in ladbroke grove.. Excellent!

Okay so the time has come to update everyone on how I got on.... Firstly a big thanks to Angus Falconer for recommending BSG Mercedes in Ladbroke Grove to me.

BSG are simply brilliant!!! I am probably the happiest C43 driver about town.

- The diagnosis of all the problems has been spot on. E.g. my sunroof was not working properly (Main Dealer - need a new part circa £300 + labour, BSG - Reset the sunroof.) – one hours labour RESULT!

- Headlights not working properly (After MB replaced the bulbs). MB said the servo on the auto headlights was gone and I needed to spend hundreds replacing it. BSG opened the headlamp and found the Last person to fit the bulb (cough cough MB) had left a pin out which meant my light was sitting on the bottom of the inside of the headlight. Cost 1 hours labour less the cup of coffee I had while waiting.... MORE SMILES!

- Engine running funny - MB said that I needed to have an ECU and probably diagnostic Est. Cost in the Thousands!!. BSG fitted a new MAF sensor and the car has not skipped a beat since!
The same applies to my shocks, electric seats, some differential sensor they replaced. Over three or four times all I have needed was a reset or something oiled or greased usual old car stuff and MB has quoted me a very high amount and got the diagnosis wrong whilst BSG have simply got it right and ended saving me on maintenance costs and more importantly fixed the car and done so properly.

- 60k Service - MB quoted me over £1500 pounds, I queried what they were going to do to the car for this they answered, Oil Change and Filters replaced. That’s it!!!!!!!!! - Daylight theft to me, BSG cost the same but the list of things they did to the car was endless including the gearbox, brakes, differential etc etc and since they have been doing this to my C43 since early 2007 the car is running unbelievably well.

Bottom line - I would now rate BSG significantly higher then any MERC dealer and I cannot recommend them enough.

1. They know the cars in and out. They therefore do not even get involved in charging me endless hours of investigation as they diagnose my car straight out. I never have to go back with the same problem
2. they get it right and do so the first time round. I speak to Stewart who actually
a) owns one (a C43 AMG) and
b) works on the car himself which means I get straight answers all the time.
c) … wait for it … they are honest!

I could keep going but to wrap up. They have saved me money, they have kept my car in excellent condition and the whole experience of owning my C43 has become allot more enjoyable because of them.... I cannot recommend BSG Mercedes Ladbroke Grove strongly enough they are excellent!

I wrote this because I know how hard I looked for a recomendation when I first got my car 2 years ago and hopefully this will help others like me too....:D
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