Classic cars and road tax - petition the PM!



How many readers of this forum, I wonder, own (or would like to own) cars which are considered classics or potential classics?

In about 1997 the then government introduced a law exempting cars over 25 years old (ie pre-1972) from paying road tax. This modest measure encouraged and assisted classic car owners to preserve vehicles which would in many cases become scarce; and no doubt reduced slightly the amount of scrap destined for landfill!

Perversely since then the current government has not "rolled forward" the 25-year criterion. Exemption still only applies to pre-1972 cars. Yet there must be a number of MB owners with cars built since 1972 but before 1982 (ie which are now 25 years old...).

Can I suggest that they - and anyone else like me with late-80s classic cars which we want to keep and preserve - sign one or more of the petitions on the 10 Downing Street website. One is at and there are a couple more on the same subject also listed. As the campaign over road pricing showed, if enough people sign a petition the politicians have to take notice...

And if anyone is a member of other car clubs or forums, pass on the message! People have to join forces to lobby effectively.



Senior Member
Jul 23, 2006
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North Yorks
Maybe they will listen...

I, for one, would prefer to keep my 18 year old V8 Toy. Here are the links:-

- Don't Ban Old Cars

- Make the historic car tax date change...(3 petitions - that helps!)

Not too bothered by the latter (but it would be nice) but how can we loose the sight of all those classic MB's on the road....
(Actually, my 320CDI is now 6 years old)


Senior Member
Nov 19, 2004
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Bizarely, we in Ireland are actually ahead of Britain in this case!

Here, any cars over 30 years old benefit from a small, flat road tax rate (something like 40 or 60 Euro) and a token Vehicle Registration Tax (which you guys over there don't suffer anyway....).

There's also the usual insurance breaks (although I suspect not as enticing as Britain).

Of course, our real problem with older cars is the road quality they have to deal with....survival of the fittest kind of thing.


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