The weather has finally relented and I spent an enjoyable afternoon polishing my 53 plated C class 220 CDI.
I spoted a couple of tiny bits that looked like corroson. One above the drivers door and another bit near the base of the A pillar on the drivers side. It looks like a bit of corrosion. Although I cant see any break in the paint just a bit of crinkles in he paint about 1mm wide.
As the car has a full MB service History is this somethng I can get the dealers to look at to see if it is covered under the corrsion warrenty. Or shoudl I call MB customer services first?
The weather has finally relented and I spent an enjoyable afternoon polishing my 53 plated C class 220 CDI.
I spoted a couple of tiny bits that looked like corroson. One above the drivers door and another bit near the base of the A pillar on the drivers side. It looks like a bit of corrosion. Although I cant see any break in the paint just a bit of crinkles in he paint about 1mm wide.
As the car has a full MB service History is this somethng I can get the dealers to look at to see if it is covered under the corrsion warrenty. Or shoudl I call MB customer services first?