Customer service problem with Mercedes Franchise

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Aug 17, 2004
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When I got my car home after picking it up i found 3 chips on the windscreen, the car is only 18 month old, I called hte dealership who suggested I got it done on my insurance and they would possibly pay the £60 excess, this was a month ago, 5 calls to the dealer, no response , I am going to call the main Mercedes number to see if they can help..
Any other ideas...


Senior Member
Jun 26, 2004
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Crap service

As I age I have become A LOT less tolerant of **** poor service. Now, I give the company/individual one chance to put it right then it's battle stations. I tell them this when I'm giving them the opportunity to correct the problem.
Go to the stealership at their busiest time (usually in the am when they're taking cars in to be serviced) & create a loud scene. Demand to see the service manager. If he's no good then up the ladder you go to the GM or Principal. Explain LOUDLY that your car was damaged whilst in their care & it's been A MONTH & FIVE PHONE CALLS & it still hasn't been fixed. Tell them they damaged it, they're fixing it & it's ****** cheeky of them to tell you to go to your insurance co.
This, being England, will embarass them so much they will fall over themselves to address the problem, shut you up & stop other customers hearing your complaint. When doing this it helps to burn with righteous indigantion because, after all, you spent tons of money to buy & service a MB & ARE IN THE RIGHT!
Try it, it works.


Aug 28, 2004
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AAPete said:
When I got my car home after picking it up i found 3 chips on the windscreen, the car is only 18 month old, I called hte dealership who suggested I got it done on my insurance and they would possibly pay the £60 excess, this was a month ago, 5 calls to the dealer, no response , I am going to call the main Mercedes number to see if they can help..
Any other ideas...
If you noticed your windscreen had chips on it why did you take the car away you should have left it with them and demanded that they fix it you shouldn'd have to claim yor own insurance.


Why don't you read what people say before you give one of your helpful and informative responses. The clue is "when I got the car home I found 3 chips..."

Isn't it about time you logged on as someone else?


Senior Member
Jul 6, 2004
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West Country
Re: Crap service

squealinneil said:
As I age I have become A LOT less tolerant of **** poor service. Now, I give the company/individual one chance to put it right then it's battle stations. I tell them this when I'm giving them the opportunity to correct the problem.
Go to the stealership at their busiest time (usually in the am when they're taking cars in to be serviced) & create a loud scene. Demand to see the service manager. If he's no good then up the ladder you go to the GM or Principal. Explain LOUDLY that your car was damaged whilst in their care & it's been A MONTH & FIVE PHONE CALLS & it still hasn't been fixed. Tell them they damaged it, they're fixing it & it's ****** cheeky of them to tell you to go to your insurance co.
This, being England, will embarass them so much they will fall over themselves to address the problem, shut you up & stop other customers hearing your complaint. When doing this it helps to burn with righteous indigantion because, after all, you spent tons of money to buy & service a MB & ARE IN THE RIGHT!
Try it, it works.

All they will do if you take this approach is totally abuse your car in your absence. I would go and see the dealer principal and point out his service department are a bunch of monkeys/Muppets, and that "This Being your first Merc is quite likely to be the last if his Service Department has anything to do with it, which would be a shame as you really quite like the new R230s $$ and a second hand one of those in the next year or so would have been quite nice" Salesmen are not very nice people when they think that their future targets are under threat from the plebs in the back office and they will make a far bigger noise than you would :twisted: and you might even get an R230 on loan while they fix your windscreen (coz the salesman wants you to get a taster of one to try and make sure that his future sale stays put) (I used this on Saab City when I caught their service department cruising round in my car while it was supposed to be being serviced, I got a viggen out of them for the weekend 8) after that they never saw me or my car again :evil: )

Of course if this does not work, Then by all means go back to plan A :D


Aug 28, 2004
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nasher said:
Why don't you read what people say before you give one of your helpful and informative responses. The clue is "when I got the car home I found 3 chips..."

Isn't it about time you logged on as someone else?

Sorry I misread the post but you should always check your vehicle before you take it away, otherwise all Mercedes have to say it must of happened on your road home. You know as well as I do what like these main dealers are they would not own up to anything. That is going to cost them money & time.


New Member
Sep 7, 2004
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Nothing new, MB dealers just don't bother with customer service as they know they don't need to try when it comes to selling their cars. Read about my experience last year, I posted it a couple of days ago under the subject of "C class pulling to the left". My conclusion, great cars awful dealers!


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Aug 17, 2004
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I picked the car up 100 miles from where I live so taking it back it going to be a 200 mile round trip!


Aug 30, 2004
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For me problem is that there seem to be so many groups of dealers around. I was badly treated by my local Merc dealer, only to find that it's part of a group which has all the dealerships within about 50 miles.

If I wanted to use an official dealer for my servicing, I'd have to pour more money into this group's coffers, so I now use an independent for servicing. The car has been pretty good, but I won't be getting another Merc while I live in the area where this group has a monopoly.

Screaming and shouting at a dealer is going to have very little effect when they've got you over a barrel. The only thing that counts is depriving them of income.


Senior Member
Apr 2, 2004
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Cork Ireland
Your Mercedes
W210 E320 CDI Estate
The solution is simple.

You see a lawyer instead and just issue them with the bill plus costs including hiring a replacement car. You are only wasting time at the dealers, you get the run around and fob off stuff. One attempt, they have had that. Now you throw the book at them. The average MB driver, according to MB propaganda, has an IQ of maximum 50 and generally less and 'he vill believe vatever ve tell him' so they act accordingly.

You are wasting time negotiating with them. Get the car repaired somewhere else too.

I suffered an ABS pump failure which was put down to dealer damage during the previous service in the workshop. Now I really go over the car every time before and after a service. That means jeans and overall [keep one of those clean room one piece white suits handy, they are great] , car in the air, everything.

I did find one good dealer eventually who in March had an incident with the car while it was in the workshop. I have had such a bad time anyway with the car they sat me down and said we have some bad news about the car. Anyway I thought what now, transmission, new engine or what. Transpired one of the workshop tool chests was too close when they were dropping the car and it was in the way of the front bumper. So they already had the parts ordered and repair schedule sorted out when I got there. As it turned out it was nothing much but they insisted on fixing it which they did. Handled as it should have been.


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Aug 17, 2004
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Final update...

I made a further call and was told the salesman dealing was off with a broken toe! I explained the situation to whover I was put through to and that I was going to call MB head office if no resolution was reached in 24 hours, 1 hour before my deadline the salesman called, was very apologetic and told me to send the bill direct to them and they would deal....


Senior Member
May 5, 2004
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Nice one! I'd write to them immediately confirming that's what they said in advance of sending the bill, identifying times, dates and names. Don't trust the f*ckers. No reply from them to the contary within the week deems that they accept the responsibility. Makes it easier to sue.
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