De-cat 230TE

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New Registration
May 31, 2001
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I have recently bought a 10 year old Mercedes 230 TE with a  none catalytic exhaust system, the cat has been removed along with the Lambda sensor (the cables are cut) I am consequently suffering very intermittent idle cut out problems. Are there any instructions, guidelines or official advice regarding this de-catting  issues, will the ECU and idle control valve need to be replaced? or are there any special parts needed to compensate for the removal of a catalytic converter and Lambda probe as the car did originally have one according to Mercedes, or will I have to get a new cat fitted?  Please advise.
Regards, Steve.


Senior Member
Nov 7, 2002
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The cat will make no difference.  The lamda probe could have been left in place, which would then set the fuel mixture.  Have the emissions checked to see if they are within spec.  You probably have a small air leak or a faulty idle speed control valve.
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