That is the question. I've had it since it was about 3 years old. It's now over 8. In that time I've had the following problems, which to be honest are beginning to increase in number and wear a little thin.
1/ Rust, rust and more rust. Although this has been repaired/replaced by MB, I still find it disconcerting. I guess it lowers my opionion of the build quality.
2/ Electrics. Two problems here. First is that I've had 4 brake light switches to stop the computer from turning off the ABS/PAS randomly. Second is that since they replaced many panels, I get intermittent exterior light faults (mostly brake and one of the headlights), and chew through bulbs at an alarming rate. The MB dealer that did the panel replace/repair that preceded this fault have fobbed me off repeatedly.
3/ Just had one of the road springs crack and fail. Looking at the remains, it looks as if it rusted then failed. Spent £210 sorting that out.
4/ MB reckon my high pressure fuel pump has failed. They want £620 for the repair.
5/ Nearside wing mirror folds really slowly
6/ Driver display left/right segments have failed.
7/ Rear bench release cable has failed and because I've got a dog barrier/luggage cover which appears to be bolted on, short of stripping the upholstery it's not easily repaired.
8/ Gearbox leak
9/ Probably more that i've forgotten about..
Am I being unreasonable in thinking that this many faults is a little over the top? This car has been fully serviced by MB and they've only caught one of the problems at that point (the leaky gearbox that I didn't notice).
Something that really annoys me is that looking at these forums, 1, 2, 5, 6 and 7 are all very common faults with this model, though not something MB take warranty responsibility for, except the rust which was a battle to get done.
Anyway, what do people think, should I
Advice welcome! Oh, and requirements for a new car are 7 seats and good mpg.
1/ Rust, rust and more rust. Although this has been repaired/replaced by MB, I still find it disconcerting. I guess it lowers my opionion of the build quality.
2/ Electrics. Two problems here. First is that I've had 4 brake light switches to stop the computer from turning off the ABS/PAS randomly. Second is that since they replaced many panels, I get intermittent exterior light faults (mostly brake and one of the headlights), and chew through bulbs at an alarming rate. The MB dealer that did the panel replace/repair that preceded this fault have fobbed me off repeatedly.
3/ Just had one of the road springs crack and fail. Looking at the remains, it looks as if it rusted then failed. Spent £210 sorting that out.
4/ MB reckon my high pressure fuel pump has failed. They want £620 for the repair.
5/ Nearside wing mirror folds really slowly
6/ Driver display left/right segments have failed.
7/ Rear bench release cable has failed and because I've got a dog barrier/luggage cover which appears to be bolted on, short of stripping the upholstery it's not easily repaired.
8/ Gearbox leak
9/ Probably more that i've forgotten about..
Am I being unreasonable in thinking that this many faults is a little over the top? This car has been fully serviced by MB and they've only caught one of the problems at that point (the leaky gearbox that I didn't notice).
Something that really annoys me is that looking at these forums, 1, 2, 5, 6 and 7 are all very common faults with this model, though not something MB take warranty responsibility for, except the rust which was a battle to get done.
Anyway, what do people think, should I
- bite the bullet and spend another £620 fixing the fuel pump (or probably less if I go re-con/independent)
- trade it in and get a newer E320. This is if people think that list of repairs was unlucky and that I should get a more bulletproof one next time around.
- dump the E320. MB's reputation for good build is horse manure and I should go buy a Honda?
Advice welcome! Oh, and requirements for a new car are 7 seats and good mpg.