Senior Member
Is there any way to test the duo valve? I have voltage going to it, but using a multi meter, can I test the valve itself?
Measure the resistance between the centre terminal and each outer terminal, and report back.
I did that and got, nada, etc, is it broken?
I think that a new duo valve is about 100 Euros.Thank you Malcolm, any idea how much they cost? my old W124 has a good one, the pipe work is slightly different, on the SLK all 3 pipes come out on 1 side, and on the W124 there is 2 on one side and 1 on the other.
But if they are reasonably priced I will buy one.
If no resistance are between pins that means that your solenoid are broken.
You can repair them all that you need is to repect the topic linked in malcolm's reply.
I have me too problems with my duo valve but they aren't broken because the resistance between pins are the same 0.20 Ohms
Had duo valve problem last year on my W124 estate.
No heat either side, solenoids ok.
My canny mechanic guru fixed it by taking out the internal rubber grommets which were swollen on one side and replacing them the oposite way around.