Hi guys and thanks for having the great forum I am hoping I can get some help with a problem that has been plaguing my 1995 E220. The lock that prevents the shift lever from being moved when the key is not in the ignition is not releasing. It leaves the care stuck in park. This has happened on a number of occasions and is normally solved with just a rev of the engine or 2....at worst it took about 10 minutes of stick shaking and revving to accomplish, followed by some WD 40 sprayed copiously inside the rubber boot area of the stick shift seal.You can even hear the click of the (detente?) as it disengages ,last night however it just would not move despite almost 2 hours of trying. I am wondering if anybody has a drawing of the mechanism, or any advice on how to access and repair it. Even disengaging the entire mechanism is an option. I have to solve this guys. HELP!!! thanks for any replys and assistance.